Where Oh! Where has the last week gone......Actually where has the last year gone. It was only a year ago that Stampin' UP! held their first Convention in Germany and NOW we have just had a second Stampin' UP! Convention. This time the Convention was held in LONDON. In Addington Palace near Croydon. Nearly 300 Stampin' UP! Demonstrators attended this year!
Demonstrators from all three European Countries came along. We were so looked after. We were greeted by the Lovely Paula and Jerome at our Hotels in the morning of the first day. Who are the UK and French Country Managers.
We were all taken to the Convention Venue by Coach - Oh! those poor coach drivers - How they put up with all us giggling and laughing, I just don't know. They played the Stampin UP Song will we were travelling, How Special. Attention to Detail was second to none.
When we arrived the very pretty drive was lined with these Stampin' UP! Flags. Wow! The wind just turned them in time for a photo!
These are some of my lovely Downline that managed to attend this year. OH! I love these ladies. They brighten my days and I feel so very blessed to know these lovely ladies. I think and (look!) as if I have had a face operation.......They made me laugh so much that my cheak bones and ribs are still hurting.
We went to celebrate Emma's Birthday.
From the left is, Marisa, Chris, Jill, Maria, Val, Jane, ME and Emma
This is Jill and Maria. Great Friends. Before Stampin' UP! they had never met. Now look at these lovely friends.
These two beautiful ladies are Val and Jane. VAL you are truly the most funniest person! You are probably the culprit of my cheeks hurting so much. Thanks so much for coming along, You know how much I appreciate you being part of my TEAM.xxx They were cold and were sharing Maria's cardie. SHARING is so important to all of us.
This is the Lovely Emma. She is a mum of 4 beautiful little girls. She has worked so very hard this year, like the rest of our TEAM. She is lucky to have the lovely Marisa as her Downline who helps her run Events. They have been working so hard on these Events. They have lots of photo's over on their blog. Tons of children enjoying the fantastic art of Rubber Stamping.
Thank You Emma & Marisa for all your hard work this year. I hope you enjoy your Award goodies from me. Well Done!
This is a photo of the Country Managers and their Antics up on Stage - Stamping!!!! YES they can STAMP. They were brilliant.
This is Marisa & Emma.
From the Left: Maria, Jill, Marisa, Jane, then ME, Val & Emma. All with our New Name Tags and Val is holding her Convention Bag! Gorgeous.

This is Jane Hugging one of the stamps. NO you can't take it home Jane.
This is Val and Jane. One of many takes!
SHARE WHAT YOU LOVE! Stampin' UP! lets you do this.......and You get to make NEW Friends far or Near.
We crafted together on the Thursday Evening all together. We stole chairs from each others room and I brought a fold up table. What fun. The talent from these ladies is amazing.
This is Jane Hugging one of the stamps. NO you can't take it home Jane.
Maria is so very Special. We were room buddies this year. She is great fun and such a good sport. She helped me finish up packing and sticking on the evening before we left. She travelled on a train for 5 hours to come and travell with Me, Jane and Val.
We talked and talked to the wee hours in the morning, Who needs sleep when you are with great friends.
Maria is an amazing stamper. She worked so very hard this last year with many things happening she still looked after her ladies. If you are one of Maria's ladies, YOU are so very LUCKY! Love You Maria. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of OUR Team and MY FRIEND.
SHARE WHAT YOU LOVE! Stampin' UP! lets you do this.......and You get to make NEW Friends far or Near.
We had so much luggagge! Which nearly made me get stuck in the revolving doors! We were lucky enough to get a new Greenhouse Gala Tote Bag each, Convention Bag. Our Room looked like this........
This was our Table on Awards Night. We were spoilted with lovely food and great company.
I was extremely lucky to win three awards this year! A Big Huge Thank YOu to all my Customers and Downline. I really appreciate you all supporting me, Thank You.
Inside the box was a scraf and a beautiful purse. Gosh!
I missed my family and little Dog, Sid. He pinched my scraf! I had a lovely welcome home.
Check back in the morning for all the swaps cards & Projects etc.
I won the next Incentive Trip to Prague.
I came 2nd in the UK for Personal Sales.
I came 9th in the UK over all. I was given new pins to add to my Apron. Certificates. A free Stamp Set and this lovely box.
NOW Do you want to come to the Next One?
Do you want to Join the Stampin' UP! Family?
Meet New Friends and Share the LOVE of Rubber Stamping?
GO to Disneyland Paris??????????????????
Well look up a Stampin' UP! Demonstrator Near You where you are in the UK, France or Germany and they will be able to give you all the details of becoming a Demonstrator.
Then YOU MIGHT like to join us all at Next Year's Convention in DISNEYLAND PARIS!!!!! hee hee.
If you want to join my Team, Email me .

I will also be uploading the Extravaganza Project Instructions for you. Sorry for the wait.
Thanks for looking,
wow...lovely pics...one of those large rubber stamps would make a good coffee table !!
Well done on your awards....cant wait to see the goodies in person.
Now then when are you going to start shopping for clothes for next years trip LOL...!! x
Janette x
Wow Jen!!! It looks like you had a fabulous time and congratulations on all of your awards - you so deserve each and every one of them!!! You are such a talented lady and such a lovely person - I feel very lucky to have you as my friend! xx
Love & hugs Trace xxx
Thanks Jenny for sharing your photos, it's lovely to see you having such a fabulous time! Not surprised your cheeks hurt after so much fun and laughter!
Can't wait to see more photos...
Bye for now,
Alex x
Many, many Congratulations on your awards - you deserve them. You thank your team for all their hard work but I know you work soooo hard yourself and you are always there for us mere mortals - especially me. Wow Paris next year eh! Good luck to you. We all love you Jen.
Mary xxx
Thanks for sharing your photos,Congratulations on your awards.
I'll be with you in Prague, yeah !
Congratulations Jenny!
It was a wonderful time in London and I love to see you again in Prague!
Hugs Jenni
Hi Jenny! I was so glad to meet you at the Convention... Congratulations for all the awards! Christine from France
It looks like you had a great time at convention! One of my favorite times of the year here in the US too! I live only 2 doors from Pam Morgan I have missed her this past week. I just love her and she is one of my best friends.
Love your christmas extravaganza too! cute projects and I sure do miss that SS kit!!!!
Have a great stampin day and thanks for sharing all your wonderful projects!
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