It's been ages since my last post but I have been busy getting ready for another All Day Event - This time All About Christmas. Also we did pop to Cornwall for a long weekend in a Log Cabin - Fab. So Sorry for the lack of posts.
We had a busy day full of crafting yesterday. All my ladies worked so very hard and I think they went home to have a lie down!!! Thank you all so much for coming along.
We made two projects in the Morning and One in the afternoon.
This is Project 1. All based on the Contempo Christmas stamp set. We made two cards and a matching Gift Bag, using the Christmas Jingle Scrappin Papers.
There were two versions, all using the Christmas Jingle Scrappin Kits.
Inside is decorated as well with a space for a photo in the lid.
This is the album that fitted inside. The Tree Trimmings Version.
This is the album fully opened up with lots a places to add photo's, journalling etc. It has two hidden pockets for more journalling and photo's etc.
This is the Dasher Version.
This is the inside of the Dasher Album.
I have done all Project Instructions for all three projects. They will be available to purchase from Tomorrow. I am off to the allotment today to help spread two truck loads of MUCK!!!! My hubbie didn't manage to finish moving it - Better than the ironing pile I suppose hee hee.....
This is the hall with all the tables dressed and ready.
These are all the welcome packs, one for each lady.
These are the Raffle Prizes, Congratulations to all the Winners.
We had Prize Patrol again. These are all the little Gift Bags, they are all the New IN Colours....
And the rest of them.
These are the table decorations for all the ladies,
The Serene Snowflake Project.
This was my demonstration station for demonstrating how to make each album.
This is my Lovely Auntie Hazel. She was so helpful. She is also a Stampin UP Demonstrator and is such a Creative Lady, must have some of her genes!!!
This is my Wonderful, Fantastic, Beautiful MUM. She is such a lovely lady and I LOVE her with all my heart. She is a very hard worker and I would not be able to half of what I do without MY MUM. Thank YOU MUM.......
There were cakes left and I was robbed when I got home by three hungry BOYS!!!! Plus Sid UMM! They had been having a MAN DAY! hee hee
Thank You to all the Ladies for coming along and supporting me.
Right lots to do next week as We are OFF to Stampin UP Convention which is in LONDON this time. Safe Journeys to all coming from Germany and France - See you there!!!
Pop back tomorrow,
Thanks for Looking,
Well it really looks as if everyone had a great day and I'm looking forward to hearing about it from a friend who was lucky enough to attend. Unfortunate that I already had something else on that day.
Jenny - thank you so much for a lovely day put in so much hard work getting everything thing ready but it was very much appreciated....and a big thank you to 'Mum' for the lovely food and for keeping us topped up with tea and coffee..
Hello from Germany! Thank you very much for this lovely post and all the photos. It looks so great and the make and takes are wonderful and the give aways too. You are great.
Have fun in London. I'll be back tomorrow. ines
Wow Jenny what an event, so organised.
I love your trees, did everyone else love them too?
Great projects.
Mountains of food
Everything looks so wonderful. Looks like you all had a great time! Too bad I am in the US!!! Your projects are always so wonderful, thanks for sharing. Have fun at convention next week!
Hi was a brilliant day thanks SO much for all you do for us to have a great time.
All the decorations were FAB, the food was yummy esp the strawberries dipped with choc...
The projects were lovely and the freebies very much appreciated.
Topped off by me winning the competition..... now to decide what to have :))
So glad YOU are my SU demonstrator.
Even though not well at all I still enjoyed it and cant wait for the next one....
Janette x
Jenny as usual you have done a fantastic all the projects you did too~~
Finally I have to write a comment to your lovely work. I'm a big fan of your blog and your awesome projects. I'm very very sad, that I can't come to London to this year's Convention. As a demonstrator from Germany I would be very honored to have met you. Last year at our Convention in Germany I haven't known your blog til now.
I wish you all the best for your creativity and I will always come back and have a peek. Thank you very much for your inspirations. Best greetings from Heidelberg Jasmin
It looks ike everybody had a fab day. Your projects are awesome. One day I am going to book on one of your all day events.
I hope to meet you in a few days at convention.
I love your projects! I am a regular blog visitor and have purchased numerous tutorials (I live in Canada - a little to far to come to classes). I can't wait for your Christmas album tutorial! What size are the tins?
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