All the following are the wonderful Swaps I received from the Monaco Incentive Trip Acheivers......
This was my Swap - A Mini Flip Album using the Sunny Days Scrappin Kit.

This is the Album opened up fully.
This is Julie's

This is Silvia's.

This is the back of Amanda's

This is the front, look at all those hand draw stitches.....

This is Carola's.

This is Irene's.

This is Monica's.

This is Danielle's.

This is Jacqueline's.

This is Jenni's.

And inside were these gifts, Thank You.

This is Daniela's.

And inside a Chocolate Bath smellie, Thank You.

This is Jeanette's. Stroke Stroke.

This is Dawn's. From her never ending Suitcase, Gorgeous.

This is Michelle's.

A beautiful covered journal, so much work.

Inside, a lovely tag.

This is Natalies.
Such a lot of work. Thank You so very much ladies, I loved all your swaps.

Thanks for looking,
Jenni, these are all beautiful, but I thought the message on the tag about listing 5 good things that happen each day is such a good idea. We all need to see the positives in our life, don't we. Too much negativity all over the world. Love your blog and your work. Karen from Australia
Sorry Jenny, just realised I misspelt your name, I have a girlfriend who is Jenni, and really insists on that spelling, so force of habit I guess. Karen
Thanks for sharing your news and pictures from this event. Looks as if you had a wonderful time and some lovely swaps to come home with.
Never ending suitcase, I was overweight on the way back, had to end up carrying 2 bags & my wee wheely case.
Thank you for your swap Jenny it was just gorgeous.
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