Thursday 29 January 2009

Blog Candy Winner......

I nearly forgot about the Blog Candy.......Sorry!

The Random Generator picked No. 4 Saxo Stamper

Congratulations - Email Me and I will get your Goodies off to you.

Do you like my new Shelf in my Craft Room?

All the Pocket Silhouettes Classes are stored in it at the moment.

Anyway Must run,

Thanks for looking,


  1. congtas to saxo stamper! :D

    Shelving looks fab Jenny :D xxx

  2. Congratulations to Saxo stamper for winning that lovely blog candy, I'll have to order some more goodies to get the stamp set free now. Yes, Jenny I love your new shelf and will have a good look when I come to your next class on Monday,
    Mary xxx

  3. Whoops - I go to stamp club on Monday and to your class on Tuesday - sorry.
    Mary xx

  4. Congratulations Saxo stamper! you're a lucky girl. ;0)
    Gorgeous shelf Jenny. None of mine are that tidy.
    Viv xx

  5. COngratulations to Saxo Stamper! and Jenny do like your shelf, I would like to get one, pray tell me where I can buy some - I have been looking for them to store my silver crystals!

  6. Hi Jenny

    Thank you, thank you, thank you what a lovely surprise - I am really chuffed, so sorry to the other ladies who didn't win, however if any of you are cross stitchers I am offering a candy kit on my blog if you want to hop over and try your luck.

    Thanks again Jenny xxxx

  7. congrats to saxo stamper!

    Love your shelves Jenny! ANd yes, want to know where they are from as well please.............

    off now to look at your fab creations again!

  8. The cabinet is from ARGOS and it costed £24.99. It matches all my cupboards perfectly.....
