Tuesday 27 January 2009

Blog Candy Moment.....

Finally!!! You say.....

These are all the goodies up for Grabs in the Blog Candy Moment.

To Enter: Just leave a comment to the following:-

How many Cards to you make in a Week?

You have until 5pm on Thursday Evening (UK) Time to leave a Comment
- Anyone can Enter.

A Big Thank You for all you Ladies who came to my Class this morning - You are all lovely company - Especially on my Birthday,

Thanks for looking,


  1. Thanks so much for sharing some awesome blog candy! Most of all, thanks for all your awesome designs with the SU stamps that leave me with so much inspiration.

  2. I make around 5 cards a week. Sometimes more sometimes less. Keep up the good blogging I enjoy checking in on you.

  3. You have a wonderful blog ! I try to make at least 50 cards a week if not more. I am one of the shippers over at Cards For Heroes. We make and collect from other cardmakers handmade cards to send overseas to our troops, who then pick out what they like and send a card home to their loved ones.

  4. Hi Jenny

    Oooh, how lovely of you to give things away. I would try that on my blog but as I only have about two people read it they would be fighting and I would have to share it equally between them.

    I try and make at least 3 cards a week BUT I have been known to have a session making 15 at a time - particularly on a boring Sunday afernoon when it's too wet to go outside.

    Love you blog Jenny - it gives me lots of inspiration.

  5. Happy Birthday!! Love your cupcake cards you made for your stamp class today.


  6. Hi jenny,

    Happy Birthday...I did text you ??
    Great blog candy.

    My AIM for this year is to make at least 2 cards a week one of which will be xmas !!!

    I will be starting February so watch this space....
    Sorry I couldnt come today...blooming work gets in the way doesnt it :(
    C U Soon
    Janette x

  7. Hmmmm..... for now I do about onne card a week or even less, but there were months I made about 6 a week, currenlty I am out of muse, but now that I knoow your blog... I'm sure it will be better

    Happy Birthday!!

  8. Happy Birthday! This is some sweet candy moments. I try to make a least 1 a day, but more if I can. I just love to play. Love your blog and love your creative style. Very inspiring projects. Thanks for a chance.

  9. Happy Birthday! I make more or less 4 cards a week. I wish we had something like the Cards For Heroes here in Italy but I think we don't. Love the blog candy idea!


    Hope that you have had a good day and are spoilt tonight when the family get home!
    So far this year I've made 3 cards.. awful isn't it! BUT now that the floor in my craft room is down and all my bits are being moved in, I'll hopefully be making at least 10 a week!
    Speak soon,
    Emma x

  11. Firstly Happy Birthday Jenny. You are so kind to give away 'goodies'.
    Over the past 4 weeks I have made 60 cards but dont normally make this many in such a short time, our village store kindly sells them for me and wanted more, but on a normal week I make around 6.
    Keep inspiring all with your lovely blog.

    Anne...crafty bunch.

  12. Happy Birthday!

    I try to make 4 or 5 per week.
    Love your blog. x

  13. Happy Birthday Jenny ! I make one card a day. Love your blog and your projects. Thanks for a chance.

  14. It depends on my mood and creativity :P I can make about 8 a week.

  15. Happy Birthday Jenny.
    I make 1 or 2 cards a week at least.

  16. Hi Jenny,
    i make 10 cards a week. I love this candy.
    Bye Petra

  17. Enjoy checking in on your blog... Always lovely things to inspire me...

  18. Doh....Sorry pushed the button too quickly... make about 3-5 cards a week...!

  19. Not enough!! I see all your beautiful cards and get so much inspiration, but my hands can't keep up. I'm lucky if I can get 1 card made in a week, but sometimes I can actually sit down and make a whole set of 6 or 8 cards. I need to get back to creating on a daily basis. Thanks for such a great blog!!

  20. I'm not leaving a comment for the blog candy but just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!

  21. Lovin all the cupcakes...yum! As for my cardmaking I try to make 2-3 a week unless a big birthday month or thankyous needed. This excludes Christmas which I always start in November and end up doing about 20 a week to keep up! This year I want to start early.


    Really hope that you have had a good day.

    So far this year I've made over 40 cards, my aim is around 10 cards a week and I'm on track :)

    Thanks for the opportunity to win your lovely blog candy.


  23. I try to make 4 or 5 cards a week. There are some weeks I don't get any made and then I find I make a lot more. I enjoy your cards.

  24. wow what great blog candy. I try to make cards weekly, but sadly, every few weeks is about it.

  25. What a great treat!
    I make about two cards a week, but if there are any events (such as wedding, b-day etc.) then sometimes more than just two :)
    But i enjoy it, no matter how many i make! :)

  26. Happy Birthday!!! I go is surges and make a bunch of cards and then don't make any for a while. Love your site and all the wonderful ieas you give out.

  27. Mmm, how many do I design or how many do I actually make! I only make 5 or 6 a month but in my head I imagine loads....

    I look at your blog a lot for inspiration, you are great at matching colours.

  28. Happy Birthday Jenny.

    Hope my birthday falls on one of your class days as that would be great way of spending your birthday, doing something we love and chatting with good friends.

    The only cards I get to make at the moment are when I come to your classes. So three this week plus your birthday card.

    Love & Hugs Sharon x x x

  29. Happy Birthday! I enjoyed your blog. I don't make a lot of cards, but I enjoy makeing other papercraft projects.


  30. Happy Birthday. What lovely candy you have on offer, i love SU! and love your blog so much inspiration.
    Hugs Sonia x

  31. Fabulous candy!

    The number I make depends on how my mojo is feeling! It could be 1 or 2 or 10-20 getting ready for craft fairs or orders!

  32. That's great blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win! Now I'm off to look more at your beautfiul blog!

  33. HI,
    Happy Birthday!
    I would say probably 2-3 per week sometimes more.
    Love your blog, you're an inspiration.
    Sharon L

  34. Thanks for sharing this blog candy. I make about 15 to 20 cards a week. I was inspired by Cards for Hero. I sent to 2 troops every other month, an army and a marine troop. Besides making cards for the troops I am in the process of making my personal cards for the year, birthdays, get wells, sympathy and thinking of you cards.


    There are cards that was sent to the soldiers posted on my blog.

  35. Hi Jen

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a great day.

    I try to make about 5 a week but it all depends on mood and inspiration. Thanks for giving us the chance to win your great blog candy.

    Hugs Christine x

  36. Thank you for the chance at such wonderful blog candy. I really enjoy your blog. I make 3-5 cards per seek as long as I am not in a creative slump.

  37. Happy Birthday!
    I've not made any cards for a month or two, but I started again this evening and made six! Good job my mojo has come back with a vengeance because I've just taken an order to do 100 christening cards. I'll be emailing you an order soon to spend my hard earned on some lovely SU! goodies xxx

  38. How many cards I make depends...on both time and inspiration, AND how many *occasions* I have cards to make for, but it would probably average out to 6 or 7. Thanks for sharing such awesome candy...Love your blog ♥

  39. Oh, it all depends on the week. Anywhere from zero to ten. I'm juggling working full-time, taking a graduate class, two young children (2 and 4), a husband who works too much and trying to keep our house semi-clean. Two or three cards is a good week :O)

  40. I used to make a lot of cards each week. Maybe 8-10 a week. Now, not so much. I'm more into scrapping at the moment. But, I love stamping on either cards or layouts! Thanks for the generous blog candy offer!

  41. Thanks for all the inspiration. Love your blog. I make 2 cards a week then at other times will make 15. Thanks for the chance to win such great blog candy.

  42. Thanks so much for sharing your talent. How many cards I make a week totally depends on what else I have going on with kids etc. Sometimes none, sometimes 20 or more.

  43. Well, some weeks I make more than others, but on average I'd say 1 or 2. I spend too much time blog surfing! That's wonderful blog candy!

  44. I usually make 5-7 cards per week (a couple a day on the weekends and several on week nights). Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. Don't we all love blog candy! I make between 1-3 cards a week. Love looking at all the cards. Want to spend a lot of money I don't have buying all the stamps that are so lovely.


  46. I love your blog, it is awesome. Happy Birthday to you.
    I usually make from 10-15 cards a week.
    Thank You for the chance to win.

  47. HI Jenny,

    I have been watching your blog since I discovered it at Christmas - I love your flawless and creative intergration of the cuttlebug.
    Since I started doing challenges (two weeks ago and posting on my new blog) - I would say two cards a week. BTW I CASEd your card of 7Jan 09 and will post it in the next few days.

    Thanks Kim

  48. It depends....this week I made 23 cards in three days, you know, Valentine day is outdoor....but usually I am not so productive, it could be four, five a week. Nice giveaway!!

  49. Happy birthdaY..HOPE IT WAS A GOOD ONE!!

    I make probably 5 to 10 cards a week ..more towards Christmas..My DH takes them to his school and sells them in the staff room..A lot of my cards are made to order/on request..with names and 'to my darling wife' etc..

  50. Happy birthday and I wish i could come to your classes but I live over the otherside of the world. So I just have to enjoy your work via the internet.....

  51. Great blog candy. I make about 10 cards a week sometimes more depends on the brain getting into action.

  52. I try to make 3 or 4 a week. I love your blog - what an inspiration for us other SU demos out there.

  53. I usually make about 5-7 a week but using the SU products make it so much quicker.
    thanks for the blog candy

  54. Happy birthday for yesterday Jenny!
    Fabulous blog candy! Especially that SU set. Whoo hoo.
    I nearly had a thrombi when I read how many Claudia makes!! I make about 5 if I'm lucky. (I spend WAY too much time on them I reckon).
    Well, I'm off to put a link on my blog. Happy crafting!
    Viv xx

  55. Great blog candy, thanks for the opportunity. I usually make about 5 cards a week, though sometimes like in the rush towards Christmas I have been known to make 50 in a week.

  56. Hello Jenny

    Happy Birthday !!! They come round so quickly don't they.

    I usually make about 3 cards a week except at Christmas when I make far to many !!!!

    Fab Blog as always, Beautiful designs as always

    Helen xx

  57. hi Jen, long time no speak, i'll email you later. x
    This week I have had 2 wedding inite commissions, made almost 200 cards which included, day and night invites, reply cards and route guide cards, 27 of them i made slider envelopes,phew hard work but loved every minute of it.
    Mo xxx

  58. as many as I can (which is usually about 3), but not enough as far as I'm concerned - not enough time in the day!!! great candy - so generous!

  59. Firstly Happy Birthday for yesterday you shared it with my baby boy's 1st birthday.
    Secondly I'm in awe at all these people that make so many cards, I'm lucky if I manage 1 a week. I seem to have an idea in mind that never comes off on card so it takes forever.
    Thanks for the blog its been very inspirational.

  60. Hi jenny
    I am hoping this year to make at least 3 cards a week. What with coming to all your classes and going to Dorset Stampers and having friends like you to go to and having friends around I should be able to do that. I love coming to your classes as we don't only do the cards/boxes etc. you pass on so many tips as well - a great instructor.
    Mary xxx

  61. I average anywhere from 6 to 12 cards per week depending on whether I am doing a class, or what my muse is for that week. But one thing I CAN say emphatically--------I am happiest when I am creating in my studio. Love your blog and visit it daily. Keep up the sharing.
    Hugs from the kamperstampr

  62. What great blog candy! Mmmm...looks good :)
    Thanks for the opp.to win.

  63. Christmas time and thank you card time I make quite a few each week, usually it's only 2/3 health allowing, but I do try to miz this with doing my scrapbook, making mini books, and so forth too so a fair bit of crafing all in all but I'm good at stamping and colouring images and having fun and not necessarily completing cards!I have so much inpiration on these blogs-I enjoy playing if you see what I mean.
    Enjoy your blog very much.

  64. Some weeks are more product than other's but I probably average 8 per week.

  65. First of all, thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations. I just started making cards and I can say because its so much fun and helps me use my scraps, I usually make about 20+ per week.

  66. It depends on the time of year. Like everyone, December I make about 5 a week. January is a little quieter. Right now I am probably making about 2 a week along with scrapbooking a page a week. I love browsing through your blog and view your wonderful creations.


  67. I make on average 5 cards. Great candy!

  68. i uaually try to make 3-4 at a time,sometimes as many as 7-8 at a time but then some weeks i don't make any.Theres just not enough hours in the day for the things i want to do compared with the things i have to do LOL.

  69. I make a card a month!

    I don´t have time at the moment.

    Your candy its beautiful.

    I want participate.

    I post you in my blog.

  70. I enjoy all of the ideas that you share on your blog. I look forward to seeing what you new ideas you come up with. I try and make about 10 cards a week and I also try and make some for the special requests on SCS.
    Keep on blogging as I enjoy checking it.

  71. Great blog candy! I make 1-2 cards a week. I tend to make more 3-D projects instead. Thanks for sharing. jmniffer

  72. I don't make enough!! Between occasions and samples there are never enough! Thanks for the chance at some awesome blog candy!

  73. I don't make enough!! Between occasions and samples there are never enough! Thanks for the chance at some awesome blog candy!
    Ilene B.

  74. Lovely Blog Candy.Glad your class went well lovely cards, I am definitely going to have to buy Crazy for Cupcakes, Sarah B X

  75. It various but if Im having a good week..3 or 4. I need to make way more and then I wont be behind with birthdays and other ocassions all the time!

  76. I try to make at least 2 cards a week. I've enjoyed looking at your Blog...your creations are Beautiful!!...TFS!...Hugs, Ila

  77. It's never the same. Some weeks I can make 5, and others nothing. If I had to average, I would say one or two. Thanks for the chance to win!

  78. Ohhhhh WoW Jenny what a gorgeous blog you have got and fantastic blog candy too!

    I usually make on average about 3-4 cards per week but then sometimes I can make more just depends what I've got coming up in my diary or if anybody asks for anything.

    Belated Happy Birthday Wishes and I hope that you have a super duper day.

    Love Pam xx

  79. Great blog and love the candy. I try to make a card a day, would love to make more.

  80. For me, it depends... but probably around 5? But sometimes more (about to make around 15 or 20!) and often less... Love your blog, too! And would dearly like some advice - I'm struggling to get my stamps clean, and I was wondering what you use to clean yours? I'm trying to avoid expensive solutions to this problem, and it's trickier than I expected! Any advice appreciated..


  81. Depends on the week. When I used to go to classes, I made lots. Now I don't live near anyone who does classes it's more on a 'when I need one' basis, though I have quite a stash of cards. Wish I lived close enough to come to your classes - you have some great designs!

  82. Hi jen, happy birthday, its mine too on the 29th. I make about 5 a week and more if I get the chance, but with boys, well, I don't need to tell you!!! Andrea xx

  83. Hi, new to this and may of left comment in the wrong place!
    This week I've made 7 cards for friends at work, some weeks I make lots more but have to work full time too sadly.
    I am finishing off 160 wedding invites this week, been doing them in stages since xmas & on the final leg now.

  84. I see about 10 cards a week that I want to make but I actually only end up making about 1-2 a week. I sure wish I had time for more.

  85. Thanks for the great blog and great cards. I dont always get to make cards weekly. Sometimes I get
    to make 2-4 depending on time.

  86. I like to make about 3 cards a week. I wish it was more, but with work and kids, i just never find the time.

  87. you have a fantastic blog! i can go from making no cards in a week to making 5-10... it varies alot especially when i factor in scrapbooking too...

  88. None at the moment - too busy blog hopping! Tends to be around 5.

    Karen Rel Blog Hopper

  89. happy birthday
    i love your blog



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