Monday 7 November 2011

Christmas Extravaganza........

Hello Everyone!

Gosh you must have wondered where I've been. We went on holiday for half term to Devon and I managed to fall over on the decking around our Lodge and really damaged my knee. In fact I could hardly walk the whole of the holiday. I felt rotten that we were unable to go out due to me hurting my knee but we all had a wonderful rest and watched tons of Movies which we really enjoy doing as a family. We nearly had three whole PJ Days!!!! hee hee The doctor said it will take about 6 weeks to mend but others have told me that when something similar has happened to them they are still feeling the effects Doh! What an old biddie....

This Saturday was my Christmas Extravaganza. My Lovely Lovely Mum helped me again, she is a superstar and I love her so very very much. The hall had been double booked by the lady who does the bookings. She had forgotten that the Church holds a remembrance service and the Vicar told me they had 200 people coming for Tea & Coffee and was I going to be long in the hall!!!! I just stared at him. The hall only has a tiny carpark unfortunately and I couldn't think where 200 plus my 40 guests were going to park.

Anyway it all got sorted my Mum put herself in the Carpark and amongst all the other jobs she does, managed to position my ladies in the carpark before the church goers arrived. Superstar!!! She can help again hee hee.

Right then as usual we did three mini projects. We used the Pine & Poinsettias Stamp set and the Holly Berry Speciality papers on all three of the projects, plus two others, Delightful Decorations and Tags Til Christmas.
We made this Decorated Box Frame and matching Christmas Card, using the Delightful Decorations stamp set.
We decorated a Gift Bag and made two Christmas Cards to co-ordinate.
Plus we decorated a Gift Tub and filled it with 9 Gift Tags using the Pine & Poinsettias stamp set and the Tags Til Christmas stamp set.
These are the table decorations using the Penant Parade stamp set.
This is the Registration Table complete with the Extravaganza Gifts for everyone. This is one of the tables all set up.

These Petal Cone gives were the Prize Patrol Table Gifts using the Creative Elements stamp set.
I ran the Crafters Choice Competition again and decided to give two prizes away, 1st and 2nd. Everyone has one tick and then they are added up and the most and runner up gets a Stampin UP Gift Certificate. This was Carolines who won 1st.
Also Carolines.
This gorgeous creation was by Sue who was runner up.
Oh My! Just look at this which was made by Yvonne! Super.
This fab card was Karen's.

A Wonderful Creation from Amanda - Wow!
Look what Cath made, so Cute a very tall bird house. Also in the background was a wonderful flower arrangement by Elizabeth, my other photo was all blurred, so if you have a photo Elizabeth, please can you email it to me and I will upload a full version - Thanks.

Thank you to everyone who came along on Saturday, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy scheldules to come and share my LOVE of STAMPIN' UP!. This Saturday is the Crafty Bunch turn to have their Extravaganza and I am so looking forward to seeing all you Yeovil ladies again.

The instructions for all three projects are on the right. You'll get all the information on all three projects for £3.95.

The next Extravaganza is February 11th.

Thanks for looking,



  1. WOW I cant wait for Saturday....such great sorry you to hear that you have hurt your knee...we will try and make it easy for you on Saturday..


  2. Thanks once again for a wonderful day on Saturday Jenny. The projects were great and it is just so lovely to spend time crafting with likeminded people.
    I can't wait til the next Extravaganza in February!!
    Take care, lots of love, Trace xxx

  3. Amazing projects as always Jenny and I am once again amazed at all your ideas for table decorations and gift wrappings. Well done on another successful day event

  4. Hope your knee gets better soon Jenny. Take care. Love the projects you did.

  5. Wow I'm getting very excited having seen all the pics, can't wait for Saturday:) I'm travelling from London to stay with my sister Karen because I had such an enjoyable day back in July!
    Sorry to hear about your knee, my friend had a similar fall on holiday in Canada and used strapping with magnets in which helped.
    Val x

  6. Amazing projects Jenny. Hope your knee gets better soon
    hugs Sarah x

  7. Awesome, fabulous projects! I wish I could come to the UK for your class. You are uber-talented

  8. It looks as if everyone had a wonderful time and I'm really looking forward to Saturday. Sorry to hear about your knee - do take care.

  9. They all look fabulous projects Jenny - really looking forward to Saturday.

  10. Oh, how I wish I could attend your events, Jenny (bit tricky - I'm in Australia!). Your projects are always so beautiful. I especially like the framed artwork you made with the punched ornaments; it is fantastic.

  11. Jenny, we had the most super day. It was so lovely to just craft for pleasure.....without thinking about classes or workshops. We also found Haskins garden centre on the way home!! oh my the children loved the xmas displays.

    Thank you again

  12. Had a very enjoyable day today at East Coker, thank you, I do hope you didn't make your knee worse with all the running about you did today.
