Monday 7 December 2009

Circle Circus Calendar Stamp Class.....

Tomorrow is our Calendar Stamp Class. I decided to use Circle Circus stamp set and warm colours. I loved the colours of the circle circus bags that were on sale at Convention, and thats where I got the inspiration for the colour combination.

We will be making the coaster calendar tomorrow.

The class instructions also include a calendar template for 2010, which I stamped all over and cut up for each page.
The other calendars are from stationery shops.
I just wanted to show you what my MUM made!!!! Remember I gave my mum the slider box of cards early in the year (which is the same as my Rose is a Rose Square slider box class).
Well this is what my Lovely MUM made all by herself. You did a fantastic job Mum, I LOVE IT.

We are having our Christmas Party at Craft Club tonight, so must dash.
Thanks for looking,


  1. Wow, I'll be ordering that class tomorrow, maybe I'll feel human then! Did a massive walk on Saturday night and certainly feeling the effects now!

  2. Gorgeous!

    Particularly like the colour combination.

    Love the cards and slider box your mum has made, its great when you can pass on the crafting bug :O)

  3. Hello,

    I'm french also excuse me for my english

    I would wish buy the circul circus calendar stamp class but today it's not here :(

    Can i buy it please ?

    Thank you
