Monday 3 December 2007

Stamping on Candles....

A very quick try at stamping on candles!

It is so easy. Stamp on a piece of tissue you wrap pressies in. I coloured in with my marker pens. Cut this image roughly out as close as you can get but it doesn't have to be neat. Lay this on your candle, then wrap a piece of greaseproof paper around the candle. Then heat the image with your heat gun waving it about so not to burn the candle. The colour changes so you can tell when the tissue has attached itself to the candle.

Check out Caz's blog on the right she has made some......Brilliant!

Thanks for looking,



  1. Looks great Jen, but does the paper tear when you colour it in?

  2. no it didn't I was colouring very carefully though

  3. Wow that is brilliant, must have a go :-) and I still love that stamp, hope I get it for Christmas it's on my list lol

  4. I just started stamping in candles aswell..isnt it so easy and fun?!
    They make excellent gifts aswell.

  5. This is one thing I intend to try! I have already bought the candles - just need to sit down & do it.

  6. Wow that's great. I must get some candles and try it. Perhaps I could get my grandchildren to try them and give their Mum for a present
    Mary x

  7. Your candle looks fab! love the stamp and the bright colours, glad you enjoyed it, I had so much fun doing mine

    sianne x

  8. Love your cards and your candles. What is greaseproof paper?


  9. Hi there Jenny,
    Very nice piece of work!!!

    CHRIS...your friendly voice over the phone!!!

  10. Ooh Jenny!
    Is that Chris, as in DSUK Chris, commenting above me?
