Friday 30 November 2007

Blog Candy Winner......

Well I have just finished ordering all the goodies that were ordered at my launch party, my hand has gone numb with all the number entering!!

Lets hope they come quickley!

My question for the Blog Candy was what is your favourite colour to use for christmas cards? I think you probably know mine by now!

Yes RED and GREEN!! But I also love the lilacs and blues together, with a hint of silver!!

The Random Generator picked Mary......

Mary said, I like the tradional colours, red green & white but also love lilac, blue pink and silver to go with them. Oops forgot about burgundy as well. I just like christmas in any colour.

Congratulations Mary email me with your details and when the lovely paper comes next week I will post it to you.....

Thanks for everyone who entered, I will do another Blog Candy very soon,



  1. Congrats to Mary!
    You have a beautiful blog Jenny - love how you use these stamps.

  2. I've won, I've won, I've won, OMG I have actually won something.

    Fantastic news, thank you so much Jenny for giving me the opportunity to enter your super blog candy, looking forward to getting my hands on those lovely goodies.

    As for yourself, I can't say how much I admire you for everything you do on and off the blog.

    I still can't believe it.

    Mary xxxxxx

  3. qlqndqxwell done Mary....its great to *know* someone who has won !!!
    Look forward to seeing what you create with it
    Janette x

  4. Have fun with your goodies, Mary!

  5. Woohoo Mary,I don't know you but am happy for you...nice paper!!!
    Lucky girl!!!Enjoy!

  6. Wowee, was this really a random selection? Only joking, congratulations Mary on winning the Blog Candy.

    Jean R

  7. Hey, Well done Mary, that's brilliant :-)
